Episode 4: DIY Clothes Extenders...

Today I woke up feeling great! A little tired, but no nausea! I even had scrambled eggs, sausage with cheese, and hot chocolate!

Is it too much to hope for that the morning sickness is over? I mean I’ve only been up for four hours, but… *sigh*

Besides that, I’m feeling a little squeezed into my jean capris that I had had to take in twofold (I took them in properly but it wasn’t enough so I added another button to tighten them perfectly). Well, now I have to use the old pony-tail-holder-extender trick.The one where you loop a hair tie around the button hole and then put the loop around the button. I am able to loop to the smaller button, but I’m running out of time to surprise my besties. :-0

I’m thinking of getting them a little something and signing the card with Baby’s name- tricky thing is, obviously, we don’t know if he’s a he or she’s a she :-/

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Episode 2: The First Big Reveal!

So it’s Labor Day and it’s the day of the first big reveal, but how to do it?

We decided to let Trinity (8) and Mercy (5) draw pictures to tell the news. They really got into it with storylines and everything. Grandparents LOVE grandchildren artwork so this was going to be fun watching the realization sink in!

So we had them stand beside each other and present their artwork. As they explained who each figure was, what they were holding, what they were saying, etc…

“What’s this?” while pointing at the funny bump and tiny person on picture-me’s belly.

“That’s the baby in Mommy’s tummy!”

“So you ARE pregnant!” This was not a question.

When is a surprise not a surprise?

*Sigh* when your squishy belly gives you away because it makes you queasy to hold it in and they’ve actually suspected/known for weeks…

Well, Happy Confirmation Day, then :-/

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